The Market Volunteer Check-In

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Thank you for responding to the Food Bank's request for volunteers. We have had a great response and have been able to fill this volunteer shift completely! 

We would love to schedule you for another volunteer event. Please get in touch with the volunteer team at or call 412-745-7600.
Your Volunteer Activity - This is the activity we have you scheduled for.

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Parent, Guardian, or Caretaker Information
Please provide us with the best way to reach you in case we need to contact you about something that will impact your child or dependent's volunteer experience.


We have several safety guidelines for all of our Food Bank operations. These rules help us protect the food products that go to our neighbors in need, and to keep everyone safe. These requirements include age restrictions on certain activities, as well as being mindful of different physical abilities.

Volunteer Information
Please provide us with the following information so that we are able to provide you the best possible volunteer experience. Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk.
Please provide us with the following information about so that we are able to provide the best possible volunteer experience. Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk.
Please provide us with the following information about the family members volunteering
and responsible for the child(ren) or dependent(s) asked for below, so that we are able to provide you the best possible volunteer experience. Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk.

We require a zip code for
home delivery volunteers.


We have several safety guidelines for all of our Food Bank operations. These rules help us protect the food products that go to our neighbors in need, and to keep everyone safe. These requirements include age restrictions on certain activities, as well as being mindful of different physical abilities.

Other Family Member's Information


We have several safety guidelines for all of our Food Bank operations. These rules help us protect the food products that go to our neighbors in need, and to keep everyone safe. These requirements include age restrictions on certain activities, as well as being mindful of different physical abilities.

Emergency Contact
Please provide us with contact information for a person who is not volunteering with you, that you would like us to contact in the event of an emergency during your volunteer activity.

Further Volunteering

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Volunteer Code of Conduct

Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank (Food Bank) truly values your service. As part of that appreciation, it is of the utmost importance that we ensure your volunteer experience here is rewarding, productive, and safe. With that in mind, we need your cooperation in following these crucial guidelines:

1. Following Staff Instructions: Instruction from Food Bank staff must be followed at all times. Our staff are well versed and knowledgeable regarding the policies and procedures around food safety, warehouse safety and confidentiality requirements. Every volunteer must adhere to staff coaching and direction.

2. Dignity and Respect for All: Harassment of any kind, violence, intimidation, offensive speech or gesture of any kind will not be tolerated. We serve diverse community members and organizations. As such, we strive for a work environment where everyone feels respected, welcomed and accepted. Any behavior that creates discord or restricts community members, volunteers or staff from fully engaging in our mission will not be tolerated. Please report any incidents immediately to staff.

3. Confirmation of Terms: By signing below, I have read and understand my responsibility to follow and support these guiding principles while I am a volunteer for Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. I understand that I will be asked to discontinue volunteering and leave the premises if I do not adhere to these requirements.

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Liability Waiver

Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank (Food Bank) is a non-profit organization with a mission to feed people in need and mobilize our community to eliminate hunger. We are a proud member of Feeding America. The Food Bank is fortunate to have the support of volunteers from our community. By signing below, you (the volunteer or the volunteer’s legal guardian) agree to the following: 

1. Safety Rules and Expectations: 
  • Listen to and follow all directions as given from any Food Bank staff member
  • Arrive on time and ready to work for your full shift. 
  • No cell phone or earbud usage is allowed while volunteering. 
  • Closed-toed shoes are REQUIRED for your safety while volunteering. 
  • An adult must accompany any volunteers under 18 years old. 
2. Release and Assumption of Risk: I hereby release and agree to hold harmless the Food Bank or its employees, interns, officers, representatives, board of directors, or any fellow volunteers from any claims, risks or liability arising out of any accidents, injuries or death to myself, my child or to any other person for whom I am lawful guardian that may result from any volunteer activities sponsored by, arranged or participated in by the Food Bank, unless caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Food Bank, its agents, servants, or employees or otherwise. These risks may include, but are not limited to, working around vehicles or other machinery, lifting objects and performing repetitive tasks

3. Medical Care Consent and Waiver: I authorize the Food Bank to provide to me first aid and, through medical personnel of its choice, medical assistance, transportation, and emergency medical services. This consent does not impose a duty upon the Food Bank to provide such assistance, transportation, or services. 

In addition, I waive and release any claims against the Food Bank and associated parties arising out of any first aid, treatment, or medical service, including the lack or timing of such, made in connection with my volunteer activities with the Food Bank unless caused or contributed to by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Food Bank, its agents, servants, or employees, or otherwise.

4. Confidentiality: As a volunteer, I may have access to sensitive or confidential information. This information includes, but is not limited to, identity, address, contact information, credit card numbers, and financial information of Food Bank clients, volunteers, donors, and staff. At all times during and after my participation, I agree to hold in confidence and not disclose or use any such confidential information.

5. Volunteer Not an Employee: I understand that (i) I am not an employee of the Food Bank, (ii) I will not be paid for my participation and (iii) I am not covered by or eligible for any insurance, health care, worker’s compensation or other benefits. I may choose at any time not to participate in an activity, or to stop my participation entirely, with the Food Bank.

6. Confirmation of Terms: By signing below, I have read the above waiver and release and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above.

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Media Release

I grant Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, its member food banks, and authorized agents of the same [hereafter “the Food Bank and its agents”] the right to use my photograph, name, likeness, voice, and words for any purpose, including but not limited to use in advertising, promotional, public relations, educational and fundraising materials, all media, including, without limitation, in broadcast, cable, electronic, digital and print media for a period of up to 3 years.

1 Release of Ownership: I agree that the any said photographs, images and likeness will be the property of the Food Bank and its agents, and the items may not be returned to me. I waive any right to inspect or approve of my images use in Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank Materials. I understand that I will not have any rights of ownership.

2. Hold Harmless: By my signature hereunder, I declare that appropriate releases and/or authorizations have been obtained from any and every person appearing in any photographs I provided to Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. I hereby agree to hold harmless the Food Bank and its agents harmless for any past, present and future claims, actions, demands, liability, rights, damages or losses, that I, my beneficiaries, administrators, executors or assigns had, have now or may have in the future in connection with the use of my photographs or likeness as provided herein.

3. Confirmation of Terms: I have read this Release or have had it read to me, I understand its contents, and I am voluntarily signing it without duress or inducement.

Media Release for Other Family Member(s)